Album: Sora no Ki
Released: 25.07.2012
Genre: Jrock
Type: Mp3/320kbs
Size: 112Mb
The album that really can't await! After almost a year since 2011 in silence without any songs composed, now Tsukiko Amano releasing her first album in 2012. For those who don't know She became popular esspecially in America and Europe because of her image songs for the Playstation 2 series "Project Zero." Her..unbeatable song is "Chou"!! Can't count how many times listen with never bored. More info about her can visit http://tsukikothefive.webs.com/tsukikosbiography.htm
2. Tokyo Tower (東京タワー)
3. Sora no Ki (天の樹; Sky Tree)
5. Kurenai (くれなゐ; Deep Crimson)
6. Cendrillon no Banken (サンドリヨンの番犬; Cendrillon's Watchdog)
7. Niwaka Ame (ニワカアメ; Showering Rain)
8. Drop Kick (ドロップキック)
9. Hikaru Sakana (光る魚; Shining Fish)
10. Soragoto (ソラゴト; Lies)
(Download Here)
Released: 25.07.2012
Genre: Jrock
Type: Mp3/320kbs
Size: 112Mb
The album that really can't await! After almost a year since 2011 in silence without any songs composed, now Tsukiko Amano releasing her first album in 2012. For those who don't know She became popular esspecially in America and Europe because of her image songs for the Playstation 2 series "Project Zero." Her..unbeatable song is "Chou"!! Can't count how many times listen with never bored. More info about her can visit http://tsukikothefive.webs.com/tsukikosbiography.htm
2. Tokyo Tower (東京タワー)
3. Sora no Ki (天の樹; Sky Tree)
5. Kurenai (くれなゐ; Deep Crimson)
6. Cendrillon no Banken (サンドリヨンの番犬; Cendrillon's Watchdog)
7. Niwaka Ame (ニワカアメ; Showering Rain)
8. Drop Kick (ドロップキック)
9. Hikaru Sakana (光る魚; Shining Fish)
10. Soragoto (ソラゴト; Lies)
(Download Here)
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